The objective was to design an illustration for the Pabst Blue Ribbon art can. This is the “OG Tall Boy” can created by Jesse Quam in October 2019. “I was influenced by flash tattoo art when I started creating this illustration” -Jesse Quam
Jesse Quam what inspired you to actually create an art can?
I was talking with a PBR representative about creating a can a few years back. I was impressed by the work that was being created by artists from around the globe. I started working on a painting three winters ago. My friend at PBR told me to add more characters and design elements. I got discouraged and stoped working on the painting. A few weeks ago I took a photo of said painting and redesigned it in Adobe Sketch. I realized that it was something I needed to finish before the end of this year. I felt It would be a great way to finish the year and help me develop as an artist.
How long have you been creating art?
I started creating art that I enjoy making three years ago.
What changed three years ago?
I realized that I was not enjoying the process of creating art. Basically I was in the process of letting go of the past life experiences. I was creating dark depressing art that reflected my mood about my reality. The work I was creating needed a shift and so I decided to burn some sketch books and personal diaries. This was the catalyst that ignited a whole new strain of art work.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on three new painting that I will be submitting to a group show next year.
What do you look forward to in 2020?
The big shift.